Showing posts with label kiefer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiefer. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Compare and Contrast

We think that Space girl is similar to Lava Girl because she is a female super hero in a imaginary world who helps save the world. Which is similar to what space girl does. They're both around the same age and they appeal to the same audience. They wear similar clothing.

Lava girl and space girl also have there differences because Lava girl has a partner. Also because In space girl her saving everyone is just a dream where as Lava girls is supposed to be real.

Children's Film - "Space Girl in Space"


Our target audience was aimed at a PG, however, due to the lack of speech and massive continuity errors, we believe (after much observation), that it should be downgraded to a U. However, apart from the fact that we had many errors whilst filming and editing, we do believe that we made our moral statement clear, that stealing is wrong.

Our children's film is about a schoolgirl who falls asleep in her lesson and dreams that she is 'SPACE GIRL'. We created the opening scenes using the green room. To make our first clip when grace falls asleep we done it in a empty classroom. We edited in sound from the classroom so that created ambient sound. To make our titles we got a starry background to make it 'space like' and a picture of a 'space girl'. On Photoshop we edited it all together and put in text. We are happy with the titles we created because they look professional. We are also happy with the music we created for the whole 2 minutes. We used 3 different tracks we made on Garage Band. One is used for the first 30 seconds, one is used for the rest and then the other is used right at the end for the credits. We are happy with the music because it suits our genre. It is ‘space like’ and tension building but it is also happy because it is a children film. 

Making our children’s film our group found we didn’t have enough time in the green room therefore we found when we were actually filming we were rushed and missed parts out; such as less speech. We were left with only a little bit of speech that we could use in our clip so we had to edit bits from other clips in so it there is a issue with continuity. It is mainly the backing track and sound effects. We had difficulty when editing the puppets we had made for our antagonists because they were a similar colour to the background in the green room. The sticks we had also made for our puppets to hold them up weren’t very strong so it was hard to have the puppets in the screen without our hands.  Whilst editing on one of our clips we lost ‘Space Girls’ voice so we had one clip without sound.  

Monday, 7 November 2011

Using the green screen

When we applied the Chroma Key filter to remove the green and add the space background, we noticed that the main character (Grace), had a purple face. We think this is because frantic movements looked like blurry motions on the camera, and this caused the chroma key filter to only partially removing the green behind the blurry motions, causing a purple color. Unfortunately, there is no fix for this, so we have configured the chroma key to show the least amount of purple, but there's still a lot of it.

Today we added the images of the houses and banks into the background. This was a bit tricky, and because we were rushed for time, we had to resort to pictures off of google images, which wasn't our first choice. But we think it will still look nice, and we made sure the building chosen were colorful and stand out, so that kids find them "fun"... 

This last lesson we've all pulled together to polish off our final piece, although we had to rush a bit, we still think it will turn out brilliant.

Hooray for optimism!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

potential target audience

our film is expected to have a PG rating. this means its target audience is families with young children of the age of 8 or over. it shall be the parents responsibility to decide whether or not the child is mature enough to watch this film. other PG films include:

This film is targeted at families and children. it is similar to our film as the characters are children and it is a fantasy with a strong female role based in a fantasy world. we expect our target audience to be the same as Peter Pan. they will like our film because the can relate to the main role as she is a child and it shall be bright and colourful to interest them.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

shot list/location planning

we will film the first scene in a classroom and the rest in the green room. the rest will be added later on in editing


as titles finish the protagonist is sitting in class, she yawns and falls asleep. the camera zooms in to her face and fades out.
the next shot shows the protagonist in different clothes happily skipping through a space town. reaction shot of space girl hearing a strange noise (alarm) and then looking shocked and pointing. we then see both antagonists running away(towards the camera) which then behind them is space girl. cuts to side on view of space girl pulling pulling out her gun/wand
space girl: "stop in the name of space girl!" *space girl points gun/wand at villains*
cuts to villain 2 turning around as villain 1 continues running. villain 2 is frozen and space girl approaches him/it.
shot reverse shot of space girl and villain 2 talking
space girl: "you can never escape from space girl"
villain 2: "you will never stop the space gators"

cuts to close up of villain 1: "you'll never catch me, mwahahaha"


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Childrens Film Diary

Lesson 1: This lesson Elliot and Erin created the opening titles to our film. Including Images and Text saying who stars in it and who produces it. Kiefer and Alice Created the sound track and sound effects for what we need to use in the film.  

Lesson 2: Kiefer and Alice created the two antagonist puppets while Grace and Elliot film the first scene when 'space girl' falls asleep in her lesson. We created the puppets using materials we brought in. 

Lesson 3: all five of us, after getting the camera and tripod, went to the green room and finished our filming. once we had finished we returned to our computer and uploaded our footage. we then began to edit.

Lesson 4: We updated the work we needed to do on the blog, we also continued to edit the first scene and the opening titles of the sequence. We also tried to use the Chroma Key too get rid of the green screen behind the live action but had trouble and we will continue next lesson.

Lesson 5: We completed the work for the blog and continued to edit the sequence.

Lesson 6: as this was our last lesson on this project we spent out time finishing the editing and our blog. we all done a bit of editing but the majority was done by grace and elliot while kiefer and alice done the music and the blog

Monday, 17 October 2011

We did a spider diagram for the storyboard.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

PG - Criteria

- Suitable for 8 and over
- It's parents responsibility to decide whether the child is mature enough to watch the film
- There may be discrimination but only for educational purposes
- Drugs may be mentioned but not seen and must carry an anti drug message
- May contain horror but only in short scenes that are resolved quickly
- Generally more grown up themes

Grown up themes: love and relationships
Humor is more adult and some children will not understand.
Children under the age of 8 will not be able too follow the story-line with out and adult because it is more complicated.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Sci-Fi Analysis


the opening scene for E.T fits the expectations of the sci-fi genre almost perfectly. it starts with an establishing shot setting the location in a large forest, the sound was non-diegtic background music that was slow paced and quiet but when the camera pans round to show a U.F.O the music becomes louder and more dramatic. there is then a POV shot showing an alien looking hand this makes the audience aware that he is not human.

Fantasy Genre


Aladdin is in the fantasy genre, we can tell because in the opening 5 minutes shows the use of  magic carpets a talking monkey and other unrealistic events.  the use of sound in the opening scene fits the location of being in a middle eastern desert and the lyrics links into what the film is about, e.g "hop a carpet and fly". the location is set straight away showing sand dunes and a desert snake which creates a spooky atmosphere and the fact that it is set in the night adds to this. the lighting is dark and gloomy (except the treasure) until the protagonist, aladdin, appears and then it brightens up.

in a fantasy we would expect it to have an unrealistic plot. we would expect the use of bright music and bright colours as it is a children's film. it would also be expected to use quite a few sound effects to provide sound for the impossible events. usually the setting and clothes used in a fantasy would be unfamiliar and over the top. until recently most fantasy films where animated because the special effects weren't good enough to create the action wanted e.g a flying carpet.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Jumanji opening

Sound - Starts with spooky tension music to set the scene as well as the animal noises such as birds and wolves. When burying the game diegetic drums start to play giving suspense to the audience. There is also dramatic thunder adding to the tension. When the jungle scene finishes the music is quickly turned cheerful to fit the scene. Later on the music increases in tempo when some action is put in.

Toy Story opening

The film opens with still shots to introduce the story and characters. The happy music and bright colours suggest a happy environment. Meanwhile the titles are scrolling in plain white to not distract us from the main bit of the film due to the type of the target audience. Lastly at the end of the opening we are finally introduced to the problem, 'The party's today!'

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Childern's film, Preliminary task

By  doing this task we learnt how to use the camera and work well in a team. We also learnt the 180 degree rule and also the most effective way to get the camera shots we wanted. However we had to re-film a few shots because we missed out filming them. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

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