Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Children's Film - "Space Girl in Space"


Our target audience was aimed at a PG, however, due to the lack of speech and massive continuity errors, we believe (after much observation), that it should be downgraded to a U. However, apart from the fact that we had many errors whilst filming and editing, we do believe that we made our moral statement clear, that stealing is wrong.

Our children's film is about a schoolgirl who falls asleep in her lesson and dreams that she is 'SPACE GIRL'. We created the opening scenes using the green room. To make our first clip when grace falls asleep we done it in a empty classroom. We edited in sound from the classroom so that created ambient sound. To make our titles we got a starry background to make it 'space like' and a picture of a 'space girl'. On Photoshop we edited it all together and put in text. We are happy with the titles we created because they look professional. We are also happy with the music we created for the whole 2 minutes. We used 3 different tracks we made on Garage Band. One is used for the first 30 seconds, one is used for the rest and then the other is used right at the end for the credits. We are happy with the music because it suits our genre. It is ‘space like’ and tension building but it is also happy because it is a children film. 

Making our children’s film our group found we didn’t have enough time in the green room therefore we found when we were actually filming we were rushed and missed parts out; such as less speech. We were left with only a little bit of speech that we could use in our clip so we had to edit bits from other clips in so it there is a issue with continuity. It is mainly the backing track and sound effects. We had difficulty when editing the puppets we had made for our antagonists because they were a similar colour to the background in the green room. The sticks we had also made for our puppets to hold them up weren’t very strong so it was hard to have the puppets in the screen without our hands.  Whilst editing on one of our clips we lost ‘Space Girls’ voice so we had one clip without sound.  

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